
自分と未来は変えられる  選択肢を広げる生き方

イギリス永住権の復活のためのビザ (Returning Resident)

-- FIREまで310日  



5年ちょい前に日本に帰国する以前は、イギリスで永住権(Indefinite Leave to Remain)保有してイギリスに住んでいた。



  1. 観光ビザ
  2. ビジネスビザ(ここで結婚を決める)
  3. 一時帰国時に日本で結婚し、大使館を通しイギリスでも結婚手続きを取る(このルートが書類的に一番楽そうだった)
  4. 日本にて配偶者ビザ取得(Entrance Clearance)
  5. 2年後、永住権(Indefinite Leave to Remain)取得


この永住権は、イギリスを2年離れる(Absence from the UK for more than 2 years)と失効してしまう。




18. A person may resume their residence in the UK provided the Immigration Officer is satisfied that the person concerned:

  • (i) had indefinite leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom when he last left; and
  • (ii) has not been away from the United Kingdom for more than 2 years; and
  • (iii) did not receive assistance from public funds towards the cost of leaving the United Kingdom; and
  • (iv) now seeks admission for the purpose of settlement (emphasis added).

Often overlooked part of paragraph 18(iv) states that not only a person must have been away from the UK for less than 2 years, but that person must be returning to the UK for the purpose of settlement. In a scenario outlined above, a short return to the UK every two years may result in ILR being cancelled at the border, as at some stage the person may have created life overseas and will not, therefore, be returning to the UK for the purposes of settlement, but rather attempting to enter as a visitor in order to prevent their ILR from lapsing.  








かつて永住権を保持していた人には、Returning Residentという復活ビザカテゴリーがある。





Returning Residentはあまり情報が無いので、調べつつアップデートしていく。

